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What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This form of trauma therapy is based on the Adaptive Information Processing model. This model theorizes that when distressing or traumatic things happen to you without your brain processing them in the way it was naturally meant to, you are left with unhealthy beliefs, images, emotions, and even physical sensations. When these original beliefs, images, emotions, and sensations are triggered by a new (or ongoing) situation, they come back in full force because they were never resolved in the first place.  

EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Your brain and body are designed to heal on their own but sometimes circumstances get in the way. With the use of EMDR, we can access those past distressing or traumatic events so the brain and body can begin processing them, relieving the individual of those residual symptoms. Through EMDR, the person can begin to let go of unneeded baggage (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, etc) related to the past which allows for new helpful information to be recognized. At the completion of EMDR, clients often report feeling free of old beliefs that were holding them back, feeling less emotional about the past, and having more empowered beliefs about themselves.  

EMDR is a well-researched, powerful form of trauma therapy that we frequently use with our clients. We find that we can process those adverse life events without having to talk about it in great detail and without the client having to complete homework outside of sessions.

If you'd like to read more about EMDR you can check out the EMDR Institute or EMDRIA.

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